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STASH: the docu-series | Official Press Release

STASH: the docu-series | Official Press Release

For Immediate release:

Local Yarn Shop hits the Big Time

EDIT: Happy April Fools' Day Everyone! ;-) 

Look for STASH on Discovery through your local cable provider.

In another crowning achievement for the local television and film industry, local yarn shop STASH Lounge will be subject of a new reality docu-series on the Discovery Channel, with the first of nine episodes debuting on April 13th at 8pm local time.

Succinctly titled “STASH”, the series is a tongue-in-cheek behind the scenes look at the daily operation of STASH Lounge, Calgary’s beloved craft supply store in the heart of Inglewood, highlighting the personalities of the staff and the daily goings-on with STASH’s customers. 

“I think that the film crew were surprised at how fun and creative our team and customers are!” commented Nicole Bracey, store manager. “I’m pretty sure that we busted a few myths about knitters, and I’m excited that the show will show crafters in a new light!”

Store owner Veronica Murphy struggled with keeping the project a secret until the release week. “We had cameras on site about 9 months ago for filming and it has been so hard to not talk about it with our peeps! We were told that until editing was complete and the time slot confirmed we had to keep it all under wraps. But finally the secret is out!”

Crafting enthusiasts will be able to check out the first episode on the Discovery Channel on Friday, April 13th, at 8:00pm. The show was funded through the generous support of The Canadian Crafts Federation / Fédération Canadienne des Métiers d'Art, Canadian Media Producers Association, Canada Council for the Arts, and Warner Bros. Discovery (parent company to The Discovery Channel).

A fixture in Inglewood for ten years, STASH Lounge is Calgary’s premier destination for knitting, crochet, weaving, spinning, felting, macrame, cross stitch and embroidery supplies, and offers classes to get crafters inspired and ready for their next project. For more information about STASH or the docu-series, please reach out to Veronica Murphy, Owner, at 403 852 0011.



Comment 1

Jan on

I’m looking forward to watching. Great looking shop

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